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Get to know us.

Peak Cyber Institute helps professionals from all kinds of backgrounds who are stuck intheir careers and suffering from burnout land 6 figure cybersecurity jobs they love(without getting another degree, starting from low-paying jobs or stacking upcertifications) so they make more money, feel connected to their work and enjoy careersatisfaction with exciting and meaningful roles and never have to worry about theirfuture again!

After years of experience in helping university students, public and private sector employees and military officers in NATO to get trained in the cyber security domain and teaching 10.000+ students via online solutions around the world; we cracked the code

Our Team

Our previous graduates have gone on to work for Amazon, Ford, BP, KPMG, Cambridge University Press, HCL, Western Union and many other very well-known companies.

Along with our students from 15+ countries around the world, we also work with various national and international organisations, such as Home Office UK, Salford University, NATO and Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office UK.

Long story short...

We help professionals start or grow theircybersecurity careers to multiple 6-figures, FAST!

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